The highest relative wages after the master’s degree studies are earned by graduates of sciences and technical sciences. The programme with the highest monthly wages is data analysis – big data at the Warsaw School of Economics (Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie). Among the programmes with the highest wages there is the biggest number of faculties linked to information technology. In the case of exact sciences the best results were achieved, apart from the graduates of the Warsaw School of Economics, by the graduates of universities located in Kraków, Warsaw, and Gdańsk. Among the graduates of technical sciences the highest wages were obtained by the graduates of AGH University of Science and Technology (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza), Lodz University of Technology (Politechnika Łódzka), Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska), Gdańsk University of Technology (Politechnika Gdańska), as well as graduates from Siedlce.

In the area of social sciences the highest earnings go to the graduates of the data analysis – big data at the Warsaw School of Economics (Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie). The graduates of management and applied information technology with professional experience also achieve high salaries. In life sciences the graduates of Warsaw, Wrocław, and Kraków universities get the highest wages. The graduates from this area who have no pre-graduation work experience initially earn less than an average monthly wages in their places of residence.

In the area of agricultural sciences, forest sciences and veterinary sciences, forestry graduates earn relatively high wages. In this area, as well in the previous ones, the graduates from the top five study programmes earn more than the local average provided they had work experience. However, among those without work experience, the earnings are below the average. In medical sciences, the differentiation of earnings on the first five programmes is relatively minor, particularly among graduates with work experience. In this area, graduates without work experience also earn above the average local monthly wage.

Graduates of humanities and art earn the lowest wages. In the case of the first field of study, European studies graduates, as well as those of programmes associated with various foreign languages, do relatively well. Art graduates (with the exception of instrumental studies at the Stanislaw Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdansk) earn monthly wages below the local average.